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Welcome To The eBusiness Report


Small business is the heartbeat of our area. We hope you will enjoy the eBusinessReport, and that you find this month's articles and tips helpful in growing your business.

Russell Kaspar
General Manager
Kaspar Media Group

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56 Tips For Succeeding In Sales

In the life of a small business, sales are the blood flow. Sales success is pivotal role not only to small business sustainability but also to growth. For small businesses, sales is not merely a transaction; it’s a lifeline. Every successful sale is a stepping stone toward building brand recognition, customer trust, and ultimately, long-term success. The recognition of this pivotal role sets the stage for exploring how small businesses can navigate the challenges and harness the opportunities in the competitive sales landscape.

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4 Ways To Drive Organic Growth

See each engagement as an opportunity to build relationships.

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31 Tips For Organizing Your Small Business

Staying organized is the key to not just surviving, but thriving.

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11 Accounting Tips All Small Businesses Should Know

Navigating your finances is essential.

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7 Ineffective Business Strategies To Be Aware Of

Learn how to make better choices for your small business.

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5 Lessons From A Winding Entrepreneurial Path

Few successful entrepreneurs follow a linear trajectory.

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7 Things To Know About Credit Card Receipt Signatures

Signatures and receipts are an important part of record-keeping.

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5 Smart Steps For Building Trust With Your Employees

Start by improving your employee feedback system.

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12 Tips For A Safer Workplace

Create and maintain a clean and safe workplace for your employees.

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7 Signs It's Time To Hire Your First HR Person

Know what your company needs.

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